Community Fourier Transform

Fourier, (Francois Marie) Charles, 1772 – 1837. French social theorist who believed that universal harmony could be achieved by reorganizing society into small self-sustaining communal groups called “phalanxes”.

Fourier, Baron Jean Baptiste Joseph, 1768 – 1830. French mathematician and physicist who formulated a method for analyzing periodic functions and studied the conduction of heat.

In a Fourier Transformation, a composite pattern is deconstructed into its constituent parts as represented by an infinite sum of sine waves. Sine wave or sine curve is the graph of the equation Sin (theta) = Opposite / Hypotenuse. Each sine wave in the infinite sum is associated with a specific amplitude and frequency. While the amplitudes will vary freely according to that which is required to best reproduce the composite pattern, the frequency of each term will be a multiple of the base frequency within the Fourier Transform.

Although not a true Fourier Transform, the concept of taking a composite community and examining the individual constituents carries over into this piece. It is not a true Fourier Transform because each component in this piece has the same frequency as can be determined by the fact that the distance between peaks is constant.

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© Yvette Kaiser Smith 2004