
“Sheepfold” looks at one way that an individual, an individual’s form, is affected by attachment to a particular group or rather to another individual that is part of a specific group. This piece began because I had five dry similarly crocheted fiberglass tubes left over from another project. The tubes had me thinking about states of sameness which led me to the state of “sheep mentality”. So I asked “what does sheep mentality look like in tubes of crocheted fiberglass?” “Sheepfold” is one answer.

Sheep mentality as form. Individual tubes are connected end to end rather than side by side. The 5 original small-tight-stitched tubes are alternated with 6 tubes made with a larger more open stitch to highlight by contrast their individuality. A distinct individuality which becomes buried within this segment of a seemingly ongoing scribbled ramble. Tubes bend to conform to a shape which becomes more obvious thereby dominant over its individual parts.

Paint. Indication of where the original units start and end is further wiped out with surface applied oil-based enamel paint which breaks the continuous line by color, sometimes in the middle of the original sections, to create a new code, a new rhythm. The new rhythm is not really a new form just a rehash of the original. The opaque enamel covers in entirety the inherent beauty of the original translucent fiberglass. The use of lively neutral colors was a conceptual necessity but also referential to the form of actual sheep. To me, in the form of sheep, the beauty is in the long black legs that are the bottom two-thirds of their bodies topped with the fluffy soft white which envelopes their heads. The dark colors in “Sheepfold” are my failed attempts at mixing black from the three primaries.

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© Yvette Kaiser Smith 2004